Are ancient myths still useful today?

Argumentative essay writing: My writing skills peaked with this, honestly…

Ordinary Twilight
7 min readOct 15, 2023
Image credits: Shutterstock

Context: This short essay was written a long time ago to answer this prompt, under two hours and following a format requirement (you can probably guess what it was for). I had a lot of fun with the topic, and decided that I wanted to share it with anybody who’s afraid to write about unusual prompts. Enjoy!

To what extent do you agree that ancient myths and legends have little value in today’s world?

Thrilling adventures and tales to astonish, dashing heroes and fearsome creatures are a staple of many elements of ancient myths and legends, which contributes to their enduring power over our imaginations. However, in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, the relevance of these stories has been questioned, especially in light of the rapid technological progress and dramatically different lives we lead in this digital age. Nevertheless, I believe that the myths of antiquity are not doomed to collect dust, abandoned by the wayside in the course of humanity’s foray into the future. Rather, I believe that ancient legends continue to hold much value as a source of entertainment, inspiration and moral guidance, even in today’s…

